Monday, May 13, 2024

Guar Seed / Guar gum (cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Crop Cultivation Consultancy

Guar Seed / Guar gum (cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Cultivation Consultancy. Guar has emerged a profitable crop for the rainfed area. Guar is industrial crop grown in Rajasthan and Desert area. It is used to produce the guar gum powder by processing the guar seed. Guar gum powder has various industrial applications. The major demand of guar gum comes from the Oil and Natural gas Industry for the oil and gas drilling activities. Guar is used as gelling agent in hydraulic fracking process. Guar gum is also used in food processing, pharmaceuticals, Printing industry. Currently around 90% guar gum comes from Rajasthan Only. 

The Supply chain of guat gum need alternate source of guar seed production anywhere in world. After the value addition and modification guar gum is giving around 200-300% profit at this time.  Some Modified guar gum is sold at 1000% Profit. Guar is annual legume crop grown in India. Guar is grown mainly in desert area. India produce 90% Guar of world. Guar is grown in hot and arid climate. Guar is a 90-120 days crop. Guar is further processed into guar gum powder.

Guar Seed / Guar gum (cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Crop Cultivation Consultancy, Agriculture Training Consultancy / Agriculture Technology training Agribusiness Consultancy, Agriculture Project Report Agriculture / Agribusiness Consultancy,  Aeroponic Cultivation Consultancy, Agri Business Consultancy, Agribusiness Consultancy, Agribusiness Manpower Consultancy, Agribusiness Market Research, Agribusiness Professional Recruitment Consultancy, Agribusiness Project Report, Agricultural Consultancy, Agricultural Mechanization Consultancy, Agricultural Project report, Agriculture Commodity Procurement Planning, Agriculture Consultancy, Agriculture Implements Consultancy, Agriculture Industry Research Report, Agriculture Land Selection Consultancy, Agriculture Market Research, Agriculture Project Report, Agriculture Technology Exposure Tour, Agriculture Tour, Agriculture Training, Aromatic Plantation Consultancy, Beekeeping or Apiculture Consultancy, Bio Diesel Crop Plantation Consultancy, Biofuel Crop Cultivation Consultancy, Dairy Farming Consultancy:-, Exotic Vegetable Cultivation Consultancy, Export Import Of The Agricultural Commodity, Flower Cultivation/ Floriculture consultancy, Food Processing Industry Consultancy, Green House Consultancy, Guar Gum Cultivation Consultancy, Guar Gum Processing Consultancy, Guar Gum Seed Cultivation Consultancy, Guar Seed Cultivation Consultancy, Horticulture Consultancy, Hydroponics Cultivation Consultancy, Irrigation Management Consultancy, Jatropha Oil Sourcing Consultancy, Medicinal Plantation Consultancy, Mushroom Farming / Production Consultancy, Neem Oil Sourcing Consultancy, Olive Cultivation Consultancy, Organic Agriculture Consultancy, Organic Certification Consultancy, Organic Farming Consultancy, Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory Consultancy, Poultry Farming Consultancy, Soil and water Testing Consultancy, Spices Cultivation Consultancy, Stevia Cultivation Consultancy, Supply Chain Report Of Agriculture Commodities, Urban Agriculture Consultancy, Vegetables Cultivation Consultancy, Vermicompost Production Consultancy, Vermicompost Sourcing Consultancy, Hydroponics Consultancy
Guar Seed / Guar gum (cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Crop Cultivation Consultancy

This is a low investment and rainfed crop. We “Agrotech Agribusiness Consultancy” provide consultancy for the guar crop cultivation. Guar is a major crop of north western India; India produce maximum guar of the world, Pakistan stands second for the same. The guar seed is final farm produce of the guar crop. It is further processed in the Guar gum, which is used as gum powder in many industries like Oil extraction industry, food processing industry, food preservation industry, printing industry, textile industry, paper industry and other industries. The by-product of the guar gum industry, Guar churi, guar komra is used in cattle feed industry.

Though the Guar is a cash crop, if we consider the other importance of the crop, Guar can be called as complete agriculture crop. It is low investment crop, the cost of cultivation of the crop is very low, so the risk is also low, it is used as vegetable in green pod form, which is highly nutritive. It is used as green manure as a nutrient supplement for the other crops. The guar crop plant parts are used as fodder that is good for the digestive system. The guar seed are used as cattle feed for the milking cattle.

Our expert will assist you in selection of the cropping time, land preparation, seed supply, weeds management, insect and pest management, water management, threshing, storage, trading and marketing and the processing of the guar seed into the guar Gum.

Guar Seed / Guar gum (cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Crop Cultivation Consultancy, Agriculture Training Consultancy / Agriculture Technology training Agribusiness Consultancy, Agriculture Project Report Agriculture / Agribusiness Consultancy,  Aeroponic Cultivation Consultancy, Agri Business Consultancy, Agribusiness Consultancy, Agribusiness Manpower Consultancy, Agribusiness Market Research, Agribusiness Professional Recruitment Consultancy, Agribusiness Project Report, Agricultural Consultancy, Agricultural Mechanization Consultancy, Agricultural Project report, Agriculture Commodity Procurement Planning, Agriculture Consultancy, Agriculture Implements Consultancy, Agriculture Industry Research Report, Agriculture Land Selection Consultancy, Agriculture Market Research, Agriculture Project Report, Agriculture Technology Exposure Tour, Agriculture Tour, Agriculture Training, Aromatic Plantation Consultancy, Beekeeping or Apiculture Consultancy, Bio Diesel Crop Plantation Consultancy, Biofuel Crop Cultivation Consultancy, Dairy Farming Consultancy:-, Exotic Vegetable Cultivation Consultancy, Export Import Of The Agricultural Commodity, Flower Cultivation/ Floriculture consultancy, Food Processing Industry Consultancy, Green House Consultancy, Guar Gum Cultivation Consultancy, Guar Gum Processing Consultancy, Guar Gum Seed Cultivation Consultancy, Guar Seed Cultivation Consultancy, Horticulture Consultancy, Hydroponics Cultivation Consultancy, Irrigation Management Consultancy, Jatropha Oil Sourcing Consultancy, Medicinal Plantation Consultancy, Mushroom Farming / Production Consultancy, Neem Oil Sourcing Consultancy, Olive Cultivation Consultancy, Organic Agriculture Consultancy, Organic Certification Consultancy, Organic Farming Consultancy, Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory Consultancy, Poultry Farming Consultancy, Soil and water Testing Consultancy, Spices Cultivation Consultancy, Stevia Cultivation Consultancy, Supply Chain Report Of Agriculture Commodities, Urban Agriculture Consultancy, Vegetables Cultivation Consultancy, Vermicompost Production Consultancy, Vermicompost Sourcing Consultancy, Hydroponics Consultancy
Guar Seed / Guar gum (cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Crop Cultivation Consultancy Services

We are leading Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agro Technology Consultancy and Agriculture Extension Service provider. We strongly believe in ethical business practices. We have highly experienced professional team of subject matter specialist of agriculture, agribusiness, and agro processing and allied disciplines. We provide customized solutions for Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agro Technology with technical and economical viable solutions. As per our philosophy agriculture is the back bone of economy and base of development. Sustainable practices should be implemented in agriculture. It should not exploit the natural resources. Agriculture must be inclusive for entire society. .

We provide Agro technology and Agribusiness consultancy for better utilization of your resources, value of your money, independent consultancy, cost effective, profitable solutions and complete satisfaction without any deviation.

We “Agrotech Agri business Consultancy are solution provider for your all the Agriculture Project, Agriculture Based Projects need, That includes Crop cultivation, Tree Plantations, Farm development, Farm Mechanization, Animal Husbandry and Dairy, Medicinal and Aromatic crop cultivation, Spices Cultivation, Mushroom farming or production, Vegetable and Fruit Farming, Protected cultivation, Controlled Climate Cultivation, Green house farming, Green house cultivation, Flower cultivation, Essential oil crops, Organic Farming, Sustainable farming, Sustainable Agriculture, Bio Fuel Farming, Jatropha Farming, Stevia Farming, Aloevera Farming, Imported fruit Farming, Timber Farming, Poultry farming, Goat and Sheep Rearing, Camel Rearing, Apiculture / Bee Farming, Fisheries, Guar seed farming, Guar gum processing, Agro processing project, new agro industry set up, commodity procurement planning, agriculture value chain development. We support from planning stage that includes feasibility study, project planning, resources collection, finance arrangement, commodity procurement planning, sustainable farming initiatives. We also assist in international trade, International market, International business development, export import. We assist in all the assignment related to latest Agriculture Technology.

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