Friday, May 10, 2024

Agriculture Training Agribusiness Consultancy

We regularly conduct training seasons for the agriculture technology. Both class room and on farm training is the part of our training season. We organize personal and group trainings. On the demand of the organizations we also conduct the training for the farmers.

We cover the complete agro technology in the training period. We organize training for cultivation and processing. We provide customized study materials for each training season. We have team of expert who will guide you about the proper way of the agriculture cultivation and processing.

The financial part, risk part and marketing part are discussed in the classroom training and cultivation part, insect pest management party and processing part are discussed on the farm of the processing unit.

Training season give an idea about the process. There are two types of the problems theoretical problem and practical problems. The grower faces the practice problem in the actual cultivation or processing. We will also assist you in your venture after the training. 

Agriculture Training Agribusiness Consultancy, Agriculture data collection,Agriculture Commodity Procurement Planning,Agriculture Training,Agriculture consultation,Agriculture Technology,Agriculture Consultancy,
Agriculture Training

We organize training for field crops, vegetable crops, fruit cultivation, mushroom cultivation, medicinal plantation, aromatic plantation, flowers plantations, dairy farming, green house cultivation, export import, organic agriculture, vermicompost production, beekeeping insect pest management, marketing and business developments. 

We are leading Agro Technology and Agribusiness consultancy provider. We strongly believe in business ethics. We have highly professional team of subject matter specialist of agriculture and allied disciplines. We believe in truly consultancy with independent and profitable solutions. For us agriculture is the base of development, height of development, strength of development, depth of development. For a long term sustainable social & economical development agriculture must be the axel. Agriculture development must environment friendly, sustainable, efficient use of available resources and non hazardous.

We provide Agro technology and Agribusiness consultancy through better utilization of your resources, value of your money, independent consultancy, cost effective, profitable solutions and complete satisfaction without any deviation.

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